Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What to do . . Or not?

                So this week has been a little bit of an emotional roller coaster.  (And it’s only Wednesday, ha)  We have called our RE to set up an appointment to regroup and figure out a time line for this Winter.  We know it’s a little early, but you can never be too prepared.  While I was justifying getting ourselves prepared so early, I started doing crazy research again.  This is what I spent the last year doing, and although I have only taken 3 months off from all the craziness, there may be new information out there or information I hadn’t found yet.   

                While doing all of this research I started to laugh at all the contradicting information that is out there.  IE – “Eat soy before going through a cycle of IVF as it will increase your health and your chances of conceiving” vs. “Don’t touch ANY soy, as it will hurt your chances of becoming pregnant, and if it’s a boy it will hurt the development of his “man parts”” - - WHAT!?  Oh, and here’s another great study:  “Absolutely continue with your workout regimen, as long as you don’t do anything too high intensity, or “red zone” as they called it, this can be a huge benefit to you and your DH when trying to conceive” Vs.  “Don’t workout.  You can take 20 minute walks but that’s it, or it will be detrimental to your chances of conceiving.”  Okay, so maybe I just shouldn’t research at all?  Which would probably make my days a lot more productive . . hmmm.

                I completely understand “everything is moderation,” but moderation won’t get me pregnant clearly, so I just like to know everything I can do that would help, or be harmful.

                                                            Researching Anyways,

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