Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Trying to Concieve (TTC) . . Still

                So after we got the blood work back, I was told that I had to come in again, in about 36 hours, to have another pregnancy blood test.  I was told that the reason they do this is so that they can get a negative beta test, and then they would be allowed to go through with our consult for round #2 of IVF.  In my head I was thinking, “So wait, I get to drive all the way to the doctor’s office (which is about 45 minutes away) just so I can get a lower beta level, and I get to receive ANOTHER phone call telling me that this round didn’t work, and we can now go on with round 2.”  Ughhhh, okay – time to suck it up and go through the motions.  I went in and had my blood drawn for about the 100th time in the past 18 months.  That afternoon I got the phone call from my doctor, saying that my beta level was now at around a 1.  Therefore, it is officially a negative test and I can come in for my consult with DH and make a plan of action for Round #2 of IVF.

This is what my arm(s) have looked like over the past few months!  Sexy, I know . .
                I am a very pro-active person when it comes to all kinds of situations in my life, but ESPECIALLY with this situation.  So when I got the phone call, I booked our consult for the beginning of the next week.  My RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) reported that there were 3 eggs, they were unsure of quality and the ability to freeze them back when I had my implantation surgery, that turned out to be great quality eggs!  So we had 3 frozen eggs to work with.  (Not all at once though)  I went into the consult with my own set of questions, DH with his.  You see, now we are doing a frozen cycle as opposed to a fresh cycle.  We don't really know exactly what to expect or how the timeline works, etc.  What I do know, is that with a frozen cycle I do not have to undergo the retrieval surgery again, which was great news!  (So painful!)  But I would have an extra shot that I would have to administer to myself (of DH if I am unable to).  You see, the other shots had skinny, shorter needles; this extra shot is a 4.5" needle that is a little wider.  Eek.  Anywho, after all of our concerns and questions were answered, and the doctor gave us a timeline, we were very excited.  

                She said I could basically go home and start myself on estrogen, and we could implant in about 3 ½ weeks! (That’s a long story, short)  We signed consent forms for 2 embryos being transferred this time!  We were very excited!  If the consult had ended there, that would have been wonderful!  Unfortunately, it did not end there.  The RE suggested doing a quick ultrasound to ensure that the cyst I had, a while back, was now gone.  So while looking on the screen, she said that the cyst was still there, and it was still very large.  She said with the view they are able to get from the ultrasound, they are unable to tell if there is something attached to one of my tubes, or if the cyst is just attached to my ovaries.  She explained that having something like this on/or around my tubes can prevent the implantation from occurring.  Basically, she said I must have it removed before we continue with IVF, and that we should put a halt to round #2 until they it is all figured out.  Ughhhh.  They also wanted to check it for other conditions that cysts can be sign of, and also, rule out cancer.
                So basically they are calling me at some point this week to let me know when surgery will be.  I will most likely be heading up to Boston at the end of January/beginning of February.  After the surgery I will be on medical leave/bed rest for 7-10 days.  It is a 1 ½ - 2 hour surgery.  While they are in there they will remove the cyst, and most likely remove one of my fallopian tubes as well.  I will be completely “under” (incubated).  This includes being asleep and having a breathing tube down my throat.  Gross.  Anyways, we are now enjoying the waiting game, and making the best of it.  We are having countless date nights to pass the time, sleeping in (just because we can), drinking our wine (while I can), etc.  Okay, I am drinking all the wine . . but I am sharing some with DH. 
                Now we are all caught up!  In 5 entries, you are now all caught up to what has been going on for the past 20 months or so.  In the almost 2 years we have been trying, friends have (within this time) met, dated, married, and are now having a baby, or their second, with their DH.  Although I am so happy for my friends and family, it is sometimes a little discouraging.  I thoroughly enjoy talking baby names, and picking out paint colors for their nurseries, and clothes shopping for their bundle of job . . I just can’t wait until it is our bundle of joy we are shopping for.  Our time will come.  Or it won’t . . who knows.  But we know there’s a specific plan for us.  I am excited to look back on all of this and say, “It was all worth it!”  I keep telling myself that maybe God is creating the most wonderful gift for me and DH, and it is just taking longer to create him/her than all the others! 
                Prayers for a successful surgery…
Baby Dust to all..
Except my little sister, she said she isn’t ready for the baby dust, and that I can keep hers. Lol

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